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DAVID BENNETT "Inspiration is the Doorway to Spirit Communication"

We all have something in life that draws from that creative state within our being, and leads us to inspiration. This process is very similar to meditation, in that, insights come to us from somewhere beyond ourselves. Each and every one of us holds the same power to create from our inspiration. The time has come for us to develop our creativity and recognize we are tapping into the intuitive process.

When we work with whatever creative endeavor we enjoy, we naturally begin to relax. This is totally normal, and in this relaxed state of being we may focus our awareness on more than just what we are creating. We can use this time to look at what’s going on in our life to make decisions, to look at issues, and possibly find solutions to our concerns.
The creative process can take us even further, if we allow ourselves to be aware, open, and receptive to all forms of experience. Creativity can access our own Divine love that exists within our higher consciousness. We can move beyond the mental musings of our mind, and connect to the collective psyche of the universe. Once we open these doorways we can bring them into our daily lives, enriching ourselves and those around us.

Once exposed to Divine Love, we break through our physical and mental barriers and are forever aware of our greater state of Being and interconnection to all life. With this spiritual connection we fill our actions with loving attention, thus, walk down the path of spiritual maturity. This is true Spirit communication from our source to our intellect and our ability to act.
Creative spiritual maturity is needed today in our local communities, nations, and the world. More and more we need to push open that door in our heart and mind to let the light stream out were it is visible for all to see. Share our valuable new found ideas, expand them with other creative men and women working for a promising radiant future, filled with equitable solidarity and peace.


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